Actress Emma Watson of Harry Potter fame and her brother Alex, are the featured
models in Burberry's S/S 10 campaign shot by photographer Mario Testino. At first glance, the pair look fabulous, there's only one thing missing.... Watson's right leg.
If I were that Photoshopper, I probably wouldn't cash my check just yet.
Luckily, in the additional campaign photos, Emma gets her leg back.
Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to the inaugural posting of The Fitting Room's new segment, "Fire Your Stylist".
Not one to follow celebrity gossip or news, I try to stay away from the whole 'who was wearing who' scene, but obviously, I caved. I can't help calling out a fashion disaster when I see one. Call it the bitch in me.
Anyway, we all know that New Year's Eve is the one freezing night out of the winter that it is acceptable to don skimpier pieces adorned with sequins. Or variations on such. What is never acceptable is to dress like a tramp, wear clothing that is too tight, ect ect.
Pictured above are Lindsay Lohan and Eva Longoria Parker. Lohan apparently attended a yacht party in St Barth for New Year's Eve. You can see here that she decided that this drape neck, navy, sequined number along with $4 hooker heels would be a fabulous ensemble to wear for such an occasion. And the hair- need I even mention the hair? Anyway- prior to the night's festivities Lohan would have been found tweeting on her twitter page that her resolution for the new year was to "leave bad habits behind". Ah, sure Lindsay, we believe that. I am sure you had a totally sober New Year's. Perhaps your resolution should have been to fire your stylist. Or hire one, because I can't imagine someone was paid to put this outfit together for you.
Where did Parker, who brought in the New Year at Eve in Vegas go wrong? Bad shoes, and a too short hemline. I think she stopped at the Vegas Wetseal before going out to pick up this little number. Cheap? I have no problem with cheap, I love it in fact. You'll probably be hard pressed to find someone as thrifty as I. Looking cheap and buying cheap though- two different stories.
And finally, below, Jennifer Lopez. Once considered a fashion icon, has apparently traded in her sense of style for motherhood, taking the stage in Times Square on New Years Eve wearing what resembles the Britney Spears catsuit worn in her Toxic music video. This may be the first time in history this has ever been said, but Britney wore it better. *shudders* One suggestion for you Jennifer- fire your stylist. Please.